Aim:- 100% rural Electrification by 2018.
Deen dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana(DDUGJY) replaces the existing the Rajiv gandhi gram vidyukti karan yojana. It aims electrify all villages by may 2018, all households by dec 2018. and also aims to supply 24X7 Electrification by march 31st, 2019.
The new DDUGJY is based on the gujarat model, where there is separation between the Agricultural electrification and Household electrification and strengthening of the sub-transmission distributing infrastructure and other related infrastructures including the metering at all levels.
Criteria to consider a village is electrified:-
- Infrastructure to provide the electricity such as power lines, transformers and other things have to be in place.
- Atleast one public building such as either school or panchayat or any other has to be electrified.
- atleast 10% households have to be electrified.
* GARV GRAMEEN VIDYUTIKARAN app is also launched to monitor the works of all 6 lakh villages.
- there is Citizen engagement window, through which people can address their suggestions for the development.
- Updates about progress of the Implementing agency can also be seen in this app.
As of now,
- 18,452 villages are unelectrified, which will be electrified by march,2018.
- Out of 24.6 crore households, 16.58 crore household are electrified. remaining will be covered by march 31st,2019.
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana In Hindi के इस लेख मे आपको Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana Details की जानकारी Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana Benefits के साथ दी गई है। DDUGJY 2018 के इस लेख मे आप DDUGJY Guidelines, DDUGJY Online DPR के बारे मे जानेगे। इसके साथ आपको इस लेख मे DDUGJY PDF भी दी गई है। इसके साथ आपको इस लेख मे Pradhan Mantri Schemes की जानकारी भी दी गई है। Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana